Sunday, 13 July 2014

Set it Free

"Give your burdens to the LORD, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall." Psalm 55:22

You know that thing that you've been holding on to for so long? That thought or person that you can't seem to forget about, because that voice in the back of your mind keeps reminding you of it. 

Wether if it has something to do with your past, a thought or a person letting go is not easy. However, if it dosen't make you happy, if it's not important then thinking about this thought  is just not worth it. Yes I know it's hard. Im still having a hard time with letting things that are not important in my life go too. Over thinking it won't help. It will just turn them into worry. 

That is why we need to learn to let these things go. Set them free at Jesus's feet and he will take care of it. Trust Him. 
Even thought we may not know what he is doing now, in time he will reveal it to us. 

That voice in the back of your mind is not God. That voice wants you to feel defeated and miserable. Don't let him win. Distract yourself. Do things that make you happy. Be happy. Life is too short not too be. All these negativity that is spinning around in your head are distractions. Find your joy in Christ. Live for now. 

Sometimes we need to collapse, we need to let go for love to enter and take over. 

You can't live a positive life with a negative mind. When all you think about is "What if this...." or "What if that....."
then there is no room for positivity. For love. 

It's time to break free from everything that is holding you back. It will be worth it. I know it's hard but take baby steps. Stay focused on The Word and cry out to Jesus. He will remove everything that is holding you back from being joyful in him.

Let go of your past. Set it free.


  1. I love this! So true! some things mean nothing in the shadow of the cross, and we need to be willing to give them to Jesus and let him deal with the things we can't control!

  2. Thank you Annie! I really needed this!


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